Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Featured Member: Leisa from Can Do Stitching

I chose to feature Leisa from Can Do Stitching because she is a stellar member! She participates in the discussions, makes lots of treasuries featuring other team members, and comments on treasuries featuring her items. Here is a little more about her in her own words:

For as long as I can remember I have always enjoyed crafting, including scrapbooking, sewing and stitching. I really was very young when my mom let us get out the fabric, thread, and buttons. It has always been a part of my life.

I had started another blog years ago to share another love of mine of decorating cakes. I call it "Can Do Cakes" because it is something I feel like I can do! My mom saw an article about Etsy and suggested I put some of my handmade items that she has seen me make on an Etsy shop to sell. With eight kids, I liked the idea of making some extra money! So, when I finally made the decision to start an Etsy shop I thought I would match the name to my cake blog, thus "Can Do Stitching." And it has grown to include the teaching part that lets kids know that they also "can do stitching!"

The gospel influences everything I do. Etsy is no exception. I am often inspired with a new idea that I want to create. I love quotes and reminders around my home that help me remember what is truly important, so I am inspired by our church leaders and scriptures a lot! When my oldest left for college, it was really calming for me to stitch "I can do hard things"! When she saw it on my Etsy shop she wanted one, too! So, now I know that she has my stitching with her even though she is far from me!

I really like the scripture from Proverbs, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart". Sometimes that's all a mom has! Etsy, to me, is more than making money. It is an outlet to create and share!

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