Friday, July 20, 2012

Featured Seller: Alaina from Loving Hands Crochet

Alaina has a beautiful shop of crocheted items that you can definitely tell are made with loving hands. Here's her story in her own words:

My mom taught me to knit and crochet when I was 11. She was always knitting or crocheting something. It was one of the few things that my mom's then husband allowed us to do on Sundays, so I learned so I wouldn't be bored on Sundays. After a while I came to enjoy crocheting. Knitting was too slow for me so I switched exclusively to crochet and have consequently forgotten how to knit.

I love beautiful things, and making my own is immensely satisfying. Crocheting is relaxing for me. It is also something relatively mindless for me to do while listening to my kids (making sure they're not teasing one another, hitting one another, etc.) and while watching TV.

Several years ago, I decided to start selling my things because I couldn't come up with enough people to give things to nearly as fast as I wanted to make things. I tried selling on my own for a few years with very little success. Once I heard of Etsy and what it was like, I decided to sell here. I started out with slow sales, but things have improved significantly since I started designing my own patterns.

I don't really think about the gospel influencing my work, but I suppose it does in a way. The gospel is a huge part of who I am, and who I am influences what I do. At times I dismiss making certain things because they're symbols of evil influences, even if I know they'd sell well. Mostly, I just like to make pretty things and tend to stick to that.

Check out Loving Hands Crochet for more pretty things!

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